viernes, 17 de junio de 2016

Celibacy for the Kingdom… A vocational reflection

Catholic priests, like the religious men and women, do not get married so as to dedicate themselves completely to Jesus and to His people. The compromise of celibacy is a sign to the world that only Jesus can give us the happiness that we all crave. Religious priests live this with a vow: The vow of celibacy for the kingdom of heaven, to anticipate, somehow the way we will live in heaven.

Giving up something as important as marriage and family is a powerful sign to the world that Jesus Christ is real! He is worth living for and sacrificing for. No, it is not easy, but neither is marriage. The fact is, every vocation requires great personal sacrifice, because make a “choice” means “give up” everything else. And there is great joy in sacrifice when it is done for Jesus and for others!

Celibacy for the sake of the Kingdom is a powerful sign that Jesus is real, and that He is worth living for, sacrificing for, and dying for! Besides, in the world as a whole, vocations to the priesthood and religious life have dramatically increased in the last thirty years. In Africa, they increased by 394%; in S.E. Asia by 152%; in Central America by 165%; and in South America by 253%! It is only in the U.S. and Western Europe that there has been a decline. Perhaps the problem is not celibacy, but other larger cultural issues and values. If you feel the call … take courage and follow Jesus!

Alfredo Leonel, M.C.I.U.

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